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Health Essentials logo from Lime Health, whole of workforce healthcare, employee healthcare benefits, private health insurance
Lime Health Oncall Portal, Employee Healthcare Benefits, whole of workforce health insruance

Health Essentials delivers “Best in Class” digital primary care.  The service offers fast access to a wide range of virtual clinicians, including GPs, Physios, Mental Health Nurses, Pharmacists and Advanced Nurse Practitioners to help employees with a range of everyday health concerns.

With a single login through the Lime Health OnCall portal, employees are efficiently directed to the most suitable clinical service for their needs through an advanced digital triage feature. Clinical appointments via phone or video are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Post- consultation notes, fit notes and private referrals available 24 hrs following the consultation all available now at a very affordably fee, designed for whole of workforces.



Support the NHS, keep employees in work and provide healthcare access to your whole population


Provide employees with fast access to a range of clinicians via a digital triage service to support better outcomes and relieve health anxiety.


Health Essentials is a  springboard into other essential services that Lime offer

Sustainable employee private health insurance
Whole of workforce healthcare benefits, private health insurance
health essentials employee health benefit, whole of workforce employee benefits, healthcare beneifts

*Subject to T&Cs

What's included?

Whole of workforce healthcare benefits, private health insurance
Physiotherapy Whole of workforce healthcare benefits, private health insurance
Pharmacist Whole of workforce healthcare benefits, private health insurance
Health Essentials, Nurse Triage, Whole of workforce healthcare benefits, private health insurance
Health Essentials Virtual GP, Whole of workforce healthcare benefits, private health insurance
Mental Health, Whole of workforce healthcare benefits, private health insurance
health tracker logo.png

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Explore our interconnected healthcare solutions

Health Essentials whole of workforce employee healthcare benefit from Lime Health
Rapid Diagnostic, whole of workforce private health insurance, employee health benefit, whole of workforce healthcare

Acceleration Phase

health essentials, private health insurance,  employee health benefit, whole of workforce employee benefits, healthcare beneifts
Physio Navigator, whole of workforce healthcare benefit, employee private health insurance, employee health benefits
Cancer Navigator, whole of workforce healthcare benefit, employee private health insurance, employee health benefits

Treatment Phase

health essentials, private health insurance,  employee health benefit, whole of workforce employee benefits, healthcare beneifts
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